About Us


Hi. We’re Sam and Luci.

Our lives have been filled with so many amazing moments - moments that eventually led us together.

Music has always been there for us allowing us to express the big things in life, go deep into the subtler things, allowing us to be more playful, and allowing us to connect with so many beautiful beings around the world.

We haven’t had a permanent address for 6 years now and it’s been a rich experience. We’ve been guided by our hearts and welcomed by friends and strangers alike wherever we go. Thank you.

We believe in past lives and animal guides, and we know there’s so much more to life than what we see with our eyes.

We’ve surrendered ourselves over and over to life, to love, seeking to understand why and what, and eventually realizing we don’t know what anything is for - and our greatest compass is following what lights us up.

What magic will we find today? What world are we choosing to see and experience? What opportunities arise when we lead and live with an open heart and remember to be easy on ourselves?

How can we be the change we wish to see in this world and take one loving step at a time towards a more empowered life?

Thank you for being here. We feel you, we see you, and we’re excited to connect with you. Let’s create the world we dream of living in!

In love and awe and gratitude,

~ Sam and Luci

Our Vision

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We see a new world emerging on Earth. A new way to live in harmony with each other and the planet. A biodynamic ecosystem of energies woven together in an intricate web that perfectly sustains us all.

The interconnectedness of all things is seen and felt by each of us in every moment.

From this feeling of interconnectedness we get the sense that we are an important part of all that is, and we begin to find the capacity to give more love to ourselves, to have more patience for ourselves, to forgive ourselves more easily, to soften our hearts again. From here we allow the beauty of the great Love that is always everywhere to flow to us, as us, and out through us to others.

As we come to love ourselves more and realize our importance within the web of all life, we find it so much easier to be tolerant of others, compassionate with strangers, and to feel comfortable when interacting with those who seem different from ourselves.

Music brings us together.

Under one roof or starry sky. In one vibration. In the truth that when we come together we can do absolutely ANYTHING.

Let’s live in a new way. Let’s start our communities and grow our gardens. Let’s unite in the love and understanding that we are all sparks of divine creativity. And let’s create the world we dream of living in!

Together we can do anything.

Our Past…

We’ve both played music for almost our whole lives. Before we met each other we were touring with other bands like Zach Deputy (Sam), Moby, and TSO (Luci). These experiences helped us see the power music has to bring people together and transform our world. It was the perfect preparation to get clear on our visions for the new music we would be bringing in.

In Sam’s Words:

I was gigging outside of a bar, and Luci stopped on the sidewalk to listen. We chatted, and I gave her my band’s CD. About 5 years later I happened to see a video on facebook that Luci put out called, The Conscious Concert. It was EXACTLY my vision after touring with Zach and seeing what music could do when people were brought together like that. This little voice told me to reach out to her, and I ignored it at first, but it kept coming back. So after a few times I gave in and sent her a message.

In Luci’s Words:

I responded to Sam asking him about himself, not sure exactly who he was, and then went to Europe for 6 weeks. When I finally responded again, I invited him to volunteer with me doing music therapy with our local elderly. He said he was looking for somewhere to volunteer, and he would be there. Just a few sessions in and I could tell he wasn’t an average musician. When we finally sang together, it was clear we should make music together!

And the rest is history. Of course this is the short version, and maybe one day you’ll get to hear the long version.

Until then, these are all photos from our pre- Sam and Luci days.


LATEST NEWSLETTERS: If you’re not receiving them, join us!


Light Elixir Project Press Release


More about The Light Elixir Project here:


Watch the Conscious Concert

Watch The Making of We Are One

More about Spark Retreat here:
