The Twelve Initiations with Mary Magdalene

New retreat dates coming soon. Until then, join us for


Every 3rd Sunday ~ 7pm ~ on Zoom

JOIN US for an immersion into deep remembering, healing, and activation as we embark on a year-long journey guided by Mary Magdalene, to know more of who we truly are.

Based on her new book, The Twelve Initiations (to be released early 2023), author Luci Williams connects you with the loving presence of Ascended Master Mary Magdalene, who leads you on twelve sacred journeys, one each month, to activate innate parts of yourself. The event is co-led by Sam Williams, musician, sound healer and channel, and together Luci and Sam support your initiation experience through music, movement, sound healing, and group integration.


I am your guide through a series of experiences that serve to help you know yourself more. I walk with you to the doorway of each of these initiations and then I let you go in on your own, remaining as a guiding presence and voice in your ear throughout your journey.

During my time on Earth as an Essene and a Magdalene, I was taken through many initiations that directly affected my own understanding of Self. I invite you to fully let go into the powerful experience of initiation laid out for you here. Many beings of love and light have come together to create this, as you will soon see, and all are honored to be a part of your expansion and remembering. We welcome you to The Twelve Initiations.

A chance to KNOW your Self.

Hi. I’m Luci. I have been asking the question for a few years now, “ok, but who am I really?” I would tune in through meditation and have the most amazing spiritual experiences and receive the most beautiful and loving guidance. But how I felt in these moments was very different from how I felt in my daily life. It was like I was living two lives. I wanted to unify all that I was, and show up in every scenario as the fullest light of my divine presence.

I asked for help.

Mary Magdalene came through. Her voice is so easy to hear, so loving, and often brings me to tears with her gentle unwavering acceptance of all that I am. She reminds me often that I am more than I know. With her help I have begun to see more of who I truly am, to trust this, and integrate this so that I can be my greatest self in all moments. It’s hard to explain in words how working with her has impacted my life, and a large part has been from experiencing these initiations.

In this IMMERSION we will dive into the initiations together, while each of us will be on our own individual journey. I will read and act as the voice of Mary Magdalene, while you relax and release into your journey experience on the inner planes. You will process each personal experience you have, and we will have many opportunities for deepening the integration through sharing and group connection throughout the month. Almost all of the initiations feature music as a large part of the experience, and my husband, Sam Williams, will be providing live music throughout to support and enhance each initiation.

We cannot imagine anything more fun than guiding ourselves to a greater understanding of who we truly are and through this, empowering ourselves to live bigger, bolder, better lives!

Sam and I would be so honored to share this experience with you.

Who is this IMMERSION for?

All are welcome.

You will love this experience if you’re into:

  • Discovering more of who you truly are

  • Expanding your spiritual gifts

  • Awakening latent talents and abilities

  • Activating ancient remembering

  • Knowing a deeper level of love for yourself

  • Unifying all aspects of yourself

  • Showing up as your fullest divine presence always

  • Playing in the magic & wisdom of angels, ascended masters, nature spirits & unconditional love

  • Deepening your connection with Divine Love

  • Finding comfort in your bigness, your greatness

  • Releasing self-doubt

  • Embracing your full power

  • Trusting yourself deeply

  • Feeling safe and confident to take up space

  • Bringing the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine into balance - within yourself and within humanity

  • Softening your heart and expanding into more love


Monthly Gathering Dates

All gatherings occur via Zoom at 7pm EST.


What Else Do I Need to Know?

  • Please have comfortable headphones ready for the Initiation portion of our monthly calls. Sometimes the more delicate sounds of our instruments get lost when going through computer, tablet, or phone speakers.

  • The calls will be an hour and a half to occasionally two hours long (max). They vary in duration depending on the initiation.

  • It is not necessary to have read the book - it isn’t out yet! This will be a receiving experience of meditation, inward reflection, and self-expansion.

  • We start on January 15. You will be sent the link to the zoom call that day via email so it will be easy to find in your inbox.


We love sharing our gifts freely, and have shifted from fee-for-service to gift-based exchanges. Please enjoy giving what feels delightful in your heart.

Our favorite way to be supported is by receiving monthly donations through which helps to stabilize our income. Any amount is a gift to us, and you can cancel or change the amount at any time. If you’re wondering what to donate, tune into your body, and feel into what number makes your heart sing. Find what feels really good, what excites you, what takes you higher. You can also support us with a one time gift.

If your heart is magnetically pulling you to this IMMERSION experience, yet money is not the way for you now, we know the universe will create reciprocity and balance between us, whether this comes from sharing in another way, or paying it forward to start a positive spin of generosity and love that ripples out across the whole world. We trust the magic. Do not let money be the reason for not joining us.

How Do I Sign Up?

Click the button below to fill out a form that includes a few questions about you and your desires for this IMMERSION 2023. We will review your form and reach out to confirm your spot. If you have any questions about the IMMERSION, the payment process, or anything else, please reach out anytime:

We are thrilled to have you join us on this very exciting adventure. Many blessings to you!