Sam and Luci
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music is sacred

sound is the source of creation

everything is vibration

what we give is what we receive

we are interconnected with every thing

trees talk, rivers sing, animals speak, clouds teach, stars listen

love is the essence of all that is

separation is an illusion

we are one

We know the power of people coming together united in love. Music brings people together.

Let’s create the world we dream of living in.

You are me. Light is all I see.



June 2024 - Embracing Change album is released


October 11, 2023 - The Twelve Initiations with Mary Magdalene is released


Sept. 17, 2022 - Sam and Luci’s Be Together wins in “uniting” category at the Empower Positive Music Awards


February 15, 2022 - Sam and Luci launch SONG OF A LIFETIME: create your very own original song featuring the voice of your favorite little light being…


February 2, 2022 - Sam and Luci launch on Ko-fi


September 24, 2021 - Sam and Luci perform as finalists in the Positive Music Awards


Download the album here

February 14, 2021 - “Come and See” is released!

SEPTEMBER 2020 - “Children of the Sun” premieres for HavenEarth’s hemp-crete build


JUNE 2020 - “Be Together” released, in support of

APRIL 2020 - The Light Elixir Project album is released


MARCH 2020 - “I Wanna Quarantine With You” song and video are released